Using Off-Peak Electricity with Battery Storage

A detailed guide giving you all the information needed to save money with battery storage.

With rising energy costs and an increasing focus on sustainability, homeowners and businesses are exploring innovative ways to reduce electricity bills and carbon footprints. One effective strategy is to utilize off-peak electricity and store it in battery storage units for use during peak hours.

This approach can significantly lower energy costs and enhance energy efficiency. Here’s a comprehensive look at how this system works and its benefits.

Understanding Off-Peak Electricity

Off-peak electricity refers to the periods when the demand for electricity is lower, typically during the night or early morning hours. During these times, electricity providers often offer lower rates to encourage usage and balance the demand on the grid.

For example, Octopus Go typically charge 7.5p per kilowatt hour during the hours off midnight to 4:30am (off peak) and then 35p per kilowatt hour during normal hours.

How Battery Storage Works

Battery storage systems are designed to store electricity for later use. These systems can be integrated into residential or commercial properties to capture and store off-peak electricity, which can then be used during peak hours when electricity rates are higher.

Charge During Off-Peak Hours:

The battery storage system charges by drawing electricity from the grid during off-peak hours when electricity is cheaper.

Store Energy:

The stored energy is kept in the battery until it is needed. Modern battery systems are efficient and can store significant amounts of electricity.

Discharge During Peak Hours:

During peak hours, when electricity rates are higher, the system discharges the stored energy to power the home or business. This reduces the need to draw expensive peak-time electricity from the grid.

Benefits of Using Battery Storage with Off-Peak Electricity

Lower Electricity Bills: By using cheaper off-peak electricity and storing it for use during peak times, you can significantly reduce your electricity bills.

Fixed Energy Costs: Battery storage systems can help stabilize energy costs by allowing you to avoid fluctuating peak-time rates.

Energy Independence

Grid Reliability: In the event of grid instability or outages, a battery storage system can provide a reliable source of power.

Self-Consumption: If you have solar panels, a battery storage system can store excess solar energy generated during the day for use at night or during peak demand periods.

Environmental Impact

Reduced Carbon Footprint: Using off-peak electricity, which often comes from cleaner, more efficient power plants operating at lower demand, can reduce your carbon footprint.

Enhanced Efficiency: Battery storage systems can optimize the use of renewable energy sources, further reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

Grid Support

Demand Response: By shifting your electricity usage from peak to off-peak times, you can help balance demand on the grid, reducing the need for additional power plants and infrastructure.

Practical Considerations

System Size and Capacity: The size and capacity of your battery storage system will depend on your energy usage patterns and goals. A qualified energy consultant can help determine the optimal system size for your needs.

Initial Investment: While battery storage systems require an initial investment, the long-term savings on electricity bills can offset these costs. Additionally, there may be government incentives and rebates available to reduce the upfront cost.

Installation and Maintenance: Professional installation is crucial for the safe and efficient operation of a battery storage system. Regular maintenance is also necessary to ensure longevity and performance.

Energy Management System: Advanced energy management systems can automate the process of charging and discharging the battery, optimizing energy use and maximizing savings.

Example Scenario

Consider a household with an average daily electricity consumption of 20 kWh. The local electricity provider offers an off-peak rate of 10p per kWh and a peak rate of 30p per kWh.

Off-Peak Charging: The household charges their 10 kWh battery storage system during off-peak hours, costing £1 (10 kWh * 10p).

Peak Usage: During peak hours, the household uses the stored 10 kWh, saving £3 (10 kWh * 30p) compared to using grid electricity at peak rates.

By leveraging battery storage, the household saves £2 per day, amounting to £730 per year.


Using off-peak electricity and storing it in battery storage units for use during peak hours is a smart and efficient way to save money and reduce environmental impact. This approach offers numerous benefits, including cost savings, energy independence, and grid support. With the right system and proper management, homeowners and businesses can significantly lower their electricity bills and contribute to a more sustainable energy future. Investing in battery storage technology is not only financially prudent but also a crucial step towards achieving energy efficiency and sustainability.

Further Guidance

What is Battery Storage for Solar?

How Much Are Storage Batteries for Solar Panels?

Using Off-Peak Electricity with Battery Storage

Do You Need Battery Storage For Solar Panels?

 How Many Batteries For Solar Storage?

Save Money: Enhance Your Home’s Energy Efficiency With Us

Home battery storage without solar saves customers up to £1500 per year as your home battery will manipulate smart tariffs to charge when energy is cheapest and greenest, the battery will discharge when energy costs are high, running your home on low-cost, low-carbon battery power at all times.

Let’s take your energy independence to the next level, contact us today and discover the potential benefits of battery storage systems.

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